Monday, October 11, 2010

Of Course

I've already failed to keep up with (even) a Post a Day.   I had imagined I would manage a photo every day... maybe a note on when the Solar goes on/of (just went off at 6:07 PM MDT)...

Previous photo was from yesterday on an excursion to the Ski Hill.

Aspens Over Santa Fe

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Steve Baer's SunSpots - 1974

First Heating Day

I have had the Solar (72 sq ft of flat-plate air collectors on the roof, actively pumped into a rock-bed) on for a few weeks to get an early start on warming for the winter...   the tree still has all of it's leaves, so it only runs a few hours a day.

We have burned a couple of fireboxes full of junk mail in the last few weeks, a little extra warmth for a few minutes, but nothing meaningful.

Today I fired up the junk mail, added a few small pieces of kindling, then two full-sized logs (merely 4" x 16") to the wood cook stove we live around... a Green/Creme Meteor from the early 20th century...   it raised the house temp from 63 to 67 in about an hour... just enough to back the chill down.

The Solar ran from 1:30 to 3:00 and again from about 4:30 and is still going (thermal inertia incollectors) as the sun is going down (6 PM DST).  It ran this morning too, but I don't know the times.

I need to prune the tree more... Leaves are yellow in all the mountains but not the Bosque yet.   Another month before they begin to fall.  I'll try to track the Solar...

I need to close in the Sunroom before another month passes.   Everything but the Roof and Windows are done... a little framing for the clerestories still... so once that is done, I will plastic in the windows and begin putting in the real ones... that should work for this winter.  Should.

Home at Otowi Bridge

We moved to  this place 10 years ago... July 2000, 3 months before we married eachother, Suzanne and I, at this location, according to "The Manner of Friends".  100+ Witnesses who spoke out of the Silence that lasted maybe 20 minutes. 

I'd watched this property get developed over 20 years, the house built, first as a barn, then finished but with the downstairs as a garage, then finally a full house, 2 stories, 1800 sq feet... Solar heat, Solar water... 1.49 acres.

We made our mark here as well... and we continue to mark it.

My First Post

After setting up "House at Otowi Bridge", I set up e-mail posting as
well... mainly to support photo-posting from my iPhone at will.